Pongal Bonus 2019 | Tamil Nadu pongal bonus 2019 | Pongal Bonus for Tamil Nadu Government employees 2019
Pongal Bonus 2019 | Tamil Nadu pongal bonus 2019 | Pongal Bonus for Tamil Nadu Government employees 2019
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Today the Government of Tamil Nadu has issued Government Orders in G.O.MS.No. 5 Finance Dated 8th January 2019 have issued orders releasing the Pongal Bonus to its employees.
Government direct that all regular and
temporary Government employees who are on regular time scales of pay, employees
of Local Bodies and Aided Educational Institutions including teachers on regular
time scales of pay in ‘C’ and ‘D’ groups be paid Ad-hoc Bonus equivalent to 30 days
emoluments on a base of 30 days a month for the financial year 2017-2018.
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